Research Network
The Research Network entitled “Lightweight Forging – Innovation Network for Technological Progress in Part, Process and Material Design for Forged Parts in Automotive Technology” was generated from the idea competition “Leading Technologies for SMEs” of the BMWi and the AiF.
The goal the “Lightweight Forging” Research Network is as follows:
With the aid of new steel materials, part designs and production methods, it is possible to make even the car powertrain – from the engine to the transmission and wheel bearings – lighter while still fulfilling the stringent requirements with regard to service life.
In the following subprojects, which ten research institutes from five federal states are participating in, the relevant issues will be analysed:
SP 1 | Development of ultra- high-strength steels IEHK, IWT, FZG M. Sc. Clemens Neipp, IEHK Aachen |
SP 2 | Intelligent lightweight design FZG, IWT, IFU, UTG Dr.-Ing. Michael Otto, FZG München |
SP 3 | Lightweight design through targeted generation of local part properties IFU, IUL, ISF Dr. Alexander Felde, IFU Stuttgart |
SP 4 + SP 6 | Expanding technological horizons IFUM, IUL, IFU Dipl.-Ing. Julian Diefenbach, IFUM Hannover |
SP 5 | Innovation transfer, RWI, ika Dr. Michael Rothgang, RWI Essen |
Here you will find the publications of the Research Network since May 2015, Update September 11, 2017
Announcement of the AiF of the start of the Research Network May 2015:
Research Associations
The Research Network has been financed since 01.05.2015 by
from funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie – BMWi) via the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen „Otto von Guericke“ e.V. – AiF).
Research Institutes
Moreover, goods and services will flow from industry into the Research Network over the three-year duration period. Research institutes of the Research Network are:
The IGF projects 24 LN, 25 LN, 18189 N, 18225 N, 18229 N, 19040 N of the FOSTA together with the AWT, FVA and FSV are being financed via the AiF as part of the program for financing the IGF of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy due to a resolution of the German Bundestag.
All those involved would like to express their deep gratitude for this support.